Restore Your Property with Advanced Polyurethane Foam Lifting

Our expert crews can resolve all your pavement problems in a single day with cutting edge materials that last for decades.

What Is It?

Crooked pavement can cause injuries and liability, steal your peace of mind, and ruin the look of your property. But with fast-curing, long-lasting polyurethane foam, a ReVamp crew can eliminate that problem in a single visit.

Polyurethane foam lifting is a technique that involves injecting a high-density foam into the eroded spaces under a pavement slab. We use the best foam material on the market. After the foam has filled all the voids beneath the slab, we carefully add more to lift the slab to its proper height. The foam cures almost immediately and lasts for decades without eroding.

How Is It Done?

  • Our technicians will drill access holes about the size of a dime through the slab.

  • Flow tubes are inserted 

  • Foam is pumped in carefully until the slab has reached the proper height and is perfectly level

  • The tubes are removed and the drill holes are carefully patched.

  • Since the foam cures quickly, you can use almost all surfaces as soon as we’re finished.

See how foam concrete lifting works! This video shows our advanced lifting process, which uses industry-leading Foamjection equipment and materials from HMI.

You’ll want to go to full screen for this one! Here’s video of the Foamjection system in use, including a driveway lift.

Here’s a ReVamp crew lifting a concrete driveway with these same advanced polyurethane foam techniques.

A home with a green door flanked by plants. Drill holes in the sidewalk show that foam drill holes are 5/8 inch, while other processes are up to an inch wider.

Why Use a Polyurethane Foam?

A technician injects foam into a sidewalk that's being lifted. An illustration shows foam filling the voids below the concrete.
A photo of a commercial garage floor that has been leveled by foam, with an illustration showing foam filling the voids beneath the concrete.

Polyurethane foam lifting by ReVamp is the fast-curing, permanent solution to your concrete issues!

Not only does polyurethane foam lifting cost about half as much as demolishing and replacing concrete pavement, the advanced foam formulation we use has the following benefits:

  • Permanent Repair (Foam never changes shape)

  • Cures Quickly

  • Lightweight

  • Environmentally Friendly (Foam is inert, no chemicals enter the soil)

  • Binds Loose Soil for Extra Long-Term Durability

  • Will Not Absorb Water or Degrade

  • Injection Holes Are Smaller

Foam is Superior to Other Types of Lifting

Polyurethane foam lifting is superior to old-style “mudjacking,” which uses a concrete-like grout to fill voids and lift panels. When mudjacking is used:

  • Injection holes can be up to 2 inches in diameter, leaving large patches

  • Curing time is longer, so your concrete may not be usable for days

  • Mudjacking grout can degrade or shift, meaning you may have to have the panels lifted and leveled again. Polyurethane foam is a permanent repair.

Let’s Get Started On Your Free Quote!

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